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Humanities West presents Dante’s Divine and Comic 700th Anniversary
Join us on November 19 at 6 pm for the Commonwealth Club’s Virtual Gala. Raise your glass to Good Health, as we celebrate the leadership of women in science and medicine. Visit commonwealthclub.org/2021gala to learn more or Text Club2021 to 41444 to register and donate today! Many nations have a national poet, whose poetry helps carve out their own unique cultural niche in human civilization. Italy has enjoyed many literary geniuses for over two millennia, but still looks to one man the most: Dante. Like major poets in other cultures, Dante’s influence on the Italian language can hardly be overstated. The Divine Comedy was the first major work of literature to leave Latin behind in favor of Italian, and it remains the world standard of poetic excellence. Dante’s fertile imagination also inspired artists, writers and theologians, making him almost as influential about the afterlife as he is linguistically. Join Humanities West in person at The Commonwealth Club, or via livestream, to celebrate the 700th Anniversary of Dante’s death—which ironically occurred not that many months after he completed his speculations about post-death possibilities—with a two-hour, three-lecture Dante feast: • Timothy Hampton on "Dante After Dante: the Forms of Memory." Though there were many "in the know" about the achievement of Dante's great poem during his lifetime, his vast influence on Italian poetry and world literature was uneven in the centuries following his death. In some areas of artistic creation—for example, in the painting of Botticelli—Dante was powerfully present. In other areas (poetry, philosophy, literary criticism) his influence was definite, but diffuse and oblique. This lecture will speak about the ways in which Dante's work did and didn't shape Italian and European culture in the early modern period. • Kip Cranna on "Dante at the Opera: From the Divine Comedy to a Comic Puccini Delight." In "The Inferno," part one of The Divine Comedy, Dante introduces the condemned sinner Gianni Schicchi, consigned to the Eighth Circle of Hell along with others guilty of fraud. His crime: impersonating the deceased Buoso Donati to falsify Buoso's will for his own benefit. Dante personally knew the Donatis (he was married to one), and therein lies an intriguing tale of medieval Florentine society. The story of this fraudulent will and the legend surrounding it became the inspiration for the famed composer Giacomo Puccini's only comic opera. After outlining the Dante-Puccini connection, San Francisco Opera's Dramaturg Emeritus Kip Cranna will present brief video highlights from the opera Gianni Schicchi, including the ever-popular aria "O mio babbino caro." • Marisa Galvez on "Dante Before Dante Become Dante." In retrospect it almost seems like Dante invented Italian literary culture, but he arrived on the Italian literary scene as a love poet—an admirer of courtly love and the troubadour traditions which had begun a century earlier in Occitania, and had spread to Italy, Spain and then most of Europe. Dante defined the troubadour lyrics as rhetorical, musical and poetical fiction — which is also a good description of The Divine Comedy. OCTOBER 22, 2021 SPEAKERS Kip Cranna Dramaturg Emeritus, San Francisco Opera Marisa Galvez Professor of French and Italian, and by Courtesy, of German Studies and Comparative Literature; Faculty Director, Structured Liberal Education, Stanford University Timothy Hampton Aldo Scaglione and Marie M. Burns Distinguished Professor of French and Comparative Literature; Director, Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities, University of California, Berkeley George Hammond —Moderator 💯SUBSCRIBE for more VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/user/commonwealthclub 📆 UPCOMING EVENTS: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/events 🎉 BECOME a MEMBER: https://www.commonwealthclub.org/membership 💰 DONATE NOW: https://support.commonwealthclub.org/sslpage.aspx?pid=298 📺➕📻 Watch & Listen https://www.commonwealthclub.org/watch-listen CWC Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thecommonwealthclub/ CWC Instagram https://www.instagram.com/cwclub/ CWC Twitter https://twitter.com/cwclub The Commonwealth Club of California is the nation's oldest and largest public affairs forum 📣, bringing together its 20,000 members for more than 400 annual events on topics ranging across politics, culture, society and the economy. Founded in 1903 in San Francisco California 🌉, The Commonwealth Club has played host to a diverse and distinctive array of speakers, from Teddy Roosevelt in 1911 to Hillary Clinton in 2010. Along the way, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton have all given landmark speeches at the Club.
Date 10/29/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
CCL's November 2021 Lobby Training #1: Legislative Plan & Primary Asks
Join CCL's Vice President of Government Affairs Dr. Danny Richter for a training that provides up to the moment insights on the dynamics in Congress and how we can most effectively use our time in meetings to support our agenda. This is a recommended training for those planning on joining their local November 2021 Lobby Meeting (as well as next week's Lobby Training #2 - Supporting Asks & Final Guidance). Skip ahead to the following section(s): (0:00) Intro & Agenda (2:22) Background (20:14) Where are things now? (24:35) Primary Asks for Democrats (29:53) Primary Asks for Republicans Q&A Discussion: https://vimeo.com/640472273 (separate video) Primary Asks: https://community.citizensclimate.org/resources/item/19/237 Presentation Slides: http://cclusa.org/nov-asks-slides CCL Community Page: https://community.citizensclimate.org/resources/item/19/459
Date 10/29/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
CCL Training: Research on Rural Economic Benefits of Climate Policy
It turns out that strong climate policy, similar to the Energy Innovation Act, would provide substantial economic benefits to America’s rural communities. Wind and solar energy would expand dramatically, and construction and maintenance of these renewable projects would bring jobs and money to communities in need of the boost. Further, over 80% of the financial benefits would flow to District’s currently held by Republicans! CCL has worked with consultants to generate estimates of the direct annual revenue accruing to each District as a result of a policy similar to a carbon tax, and we’ve produced a two-page summary handouts explaining the benefit for each (similar to the Household Impact Study). Join Jerry Hinkle, CCL Research Coordinator for a training on CCL district-specific research that estimates the annual direct revenue accruing to each district from the renewable energy buildout that would result from strong climate policy. This analysis synthesizes the recent reporting done by RMI and work from UPenn Researcher Kevin Ummel, and it demonstrates that renewable energy development offers significant rural America economic development opportunities. Skip ahead to the following section(s): (0:00) Intro & Agenda (2:57) Background - the Benefit (5:15) The Policy Scenario (9:47) Estimating Economic Benefits (22:34) Advocacy Tools Rural Economic Benefits of Climate Policy Resource Page: http://community.citizensclimate.org/resources/item/19/103 Interactive Map: https://community.citizensclimate.org/tools/rural_economic_impact_map Presentation Slides: https://cclusa.org/rural-economic-benefits-slides
Date 10/22/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Reconciliation Legislative Update and Q&A
Given the rapidly evolving updates from Congress regarding climate policy this week - you probably have questions. You're in luck! Join CCL's Strategy Director Tony Sirna for a special 30 minute legislative update and Q&A session to address your questions and provide CCL's take on what's going on right now in Congress and how it related to our push for strong climate policy like a carbon fee and dividend to be included. Skip ahead to the following section(s): (0:00) Intro & Agenda (1:03) Legislative Updates (7:26) Q&A Discussion
Date 10/22/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
CCL Training: 7 Steps For Media Actions To Support Carbon Pricing in Reconciliation
Join CCL's State and Local Media Coordinator Charlotte Ward for a training that will be focused on how you can best utilize CCL's amazing suite of media resources to amplify the importance of including an ambitious price on carbon in the emerging reconciliation process, including customizing and submitting one of CCL’s op-ed templates, asking an editor for an editorial, writing more local letters to the editor and amplifying your media work on social media. Skip ahead to the following section(s): (0:00) Intro & Agenda (3:09) Step 1: Become A Media Manager (4:28) Step 2: Find & Share LTE Opportunities (5:57) Step 3: Boost Visibility w/ Op-Eds (8:53) Step 4: Link Up With Your Liaison (10:12) Step 5: Make The News (11:46) Step 6: Aim For An Editorial (13:44) Step 7: Get Social! Presentation Slides: https://cclusa.org/jump-start-media-slides CCL Community Training Page: https://community.citizensclimate.org/resources/item/19/372 Print Media Resources: https://community.citizensclimate.org/resources#media-relations
Date 10/15/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Rep. Ray Ward | Citizens' Climate Lobby | October 2021 Monthly Meeting
Is carbon fee and dividend really the policy that can bridge the divide between Republicans and Democrats? On this month's call we'll talk to Dr. Ray Ward, a Republican state representative in Utah, about why he likes the policy. When he's not working in the legislature, Ward is a family physician in Bountiful, Utah. Earlier this year, he signed on to an op-ed in the Deseret News with two dozen other Utah Republicans endorsing carbon fee and dividend. Skip ahead to the following section(s): (0:00) Welcome (2:45) Rep. Ray Ward (9:07) Q&A Discussion (22:59) Legislative Updates w/ Ben Pendergrass (35:44) October Updates & Actions CCL's October Action Sheet: https://cclusa.org/actionsheet October Pre-Call Video: https://vimeo.com/626727421 Desert News Republican Carbon Dividends Op-Ed: https://www.deseret.com/opinion/2021/6/4/22453352/carbon-dividend-act-republicans-for-climate-change Register for November 13-14 Conference: https://cclusa.org/November President Biden Campaign: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/white-house/
Date 10/9/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
CCL Training: Understanding U.S. State Severance Fees
Join CCL State Level Carbon Pricing Coordinator Alexis Hermosillo and CCL's legislative interns Amanda Christophe and Matias Alberola for a training that will examine the connection between severance fees and carbon pricing, and help attendees understand current trends and future steps for action. Skip ahead to the following section(s): (0:00) Introduction & Agenda (2:41) Introduction of Severance Fees (4:14) Scope of U.S. Severance Fees (7:34) Tax Revenue Use (9:47) Relation to Carbon Pricing (11:55) Trends and Steps for Action Presentation Slides: http://cclusa.org/severance-fee-slides National Conference of State Legislatures: https://www.ncsl.org/research/fiscal-policy/state-energy-revenues-update.aspx  Dr. Barry Rabe’s research: https://www.brookings.edu/ author/barry-rabe/?type=posts and https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wNYXHPs3VbXJjHn8MslG3OHzvHo47COK/edit#slide=id.p11
Date 10/8/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
CCL Training: Ten Social Media Actions to Take To Support A #PriceOnCarbon in Budget Reconciliation
Join CCL's Marketing Manager Ashley Hunt Martorano for a training that walks you through the strategic ways you can leverage the power of their own social media profiles to amplify and support the actions CCL is taking to help ensure strong climate policy like a carbon price is included in the emerging details of the budget reconciliation process. Skip ahead to the following section(s): (0:00) Intro & Agenda (4:00) Why Take Action Now? (11:09) Twitter Actions (19:15) Facebook Actions (25:38) Instagram Actions (32:32) TikTok Actions (37:06) LinkedIn Action and Final reminders Presentation Slides: http://cclusa.org/10-social-actions-slides Social Media Toolkit for CCL's Reconciliation Campaign: https://community.citizensclimate.org/resources/item/19/489
Date 10/1/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
CCL Training: Communicating With Conservatives
Join Nate Abercrombie CCL Conservative Outreach Coordinator for a training on communicating with conservatives regarding the Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act. Nate reviews conservative messaging on climate change, especially with regard to the printed word and highlight the conservative support aligning with key messages and underlying components, connecting how the bill aligns with conservative values. Skip ahead to the following section(s): (0:00) Intro & Agenda (2:08) General tips for communicating with conservatives (12:02) Aspects of climate change conservatives care about most (17:19) How the Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act is politically conservative (22:21) How the Energy Innovation & Carbon Dividend Act is economically conservative Presentation Slides: https://cclusa.org/communicating-with-conservatives Conservatives on Climate Change Website: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/conservatives-on-climate-change/ Conservative Climate Policy Guide: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/conservative-guide-climate-policy/ CCL Training Page: https://community.citizensclimate.org/topics/communicating-across-the-aisle/conservatives
Date 9/24/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
CCL Training: Ask Community Leaders to Champion their Support to Congress
Contact community leaders you know and ask them to personally call to urge their members of Congress to support carbon pricing in climate legislation. Join CCL Action Director Todd Elvins and CCL leaders Robin Paone and Mark Welsch to find out how you can take action locally. Skip ahead to the following section(s): (0:00) Intro & Agenda (2:03) Why now and which community leaders? (6:38) How they should contact their members of Congress? (8:15) How else to highlight support? (9:50) Volunteer success stories CCL Training Page: https://community.citizensclimate.org/resources/item/19/420 Endorse at: https://energyinnovationact.org/endorse/
Date 9/24/2021 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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