This series aims to help people become more conscious of the threats to our water supply, from human activity and climate variability, and understand the steps that need to be taken to maintain it.
“Sustainability: Water,” was produced by NBC News’ educational arm NBC Learn, and the National Science Foundation (NSF), which examines the long-term health of water. The seven-part collection is intended to raise awareness about critical challenges to our environment and spur dialogue about managing the water system and conserving Earth’s most precious resource.
Each video highlights research funded by NSF and looks at the lives of scientists, from a diversity of fields and institutions, who are hard at work on projects designed to help pave the way to a more sustainable future. The scientists explain significant challenges to managing the water supply in selected regions and cities across the United State
Curated by earthsayer
Nutrient Loading in Lake Erie |
Part of the earth's largest surface freshwater system, Lake Erie is a vital source of drinking water for 11 million people. Researchers Anna Michalak, Tom Bridgeman, and Pete Richards are studying how farming practices and severe weather can increase the amount of fertilizer-derived nutrients in the water, which diminishes water quality and threatens the lake's ecosystem and the public's health. Published on Jul 12, 2013 EarthSayers Tom Bridgeman; Pete Richards |
Baltimore's Urban Streams
Sierra Nevada Snow Pack & Snow Melt
The Water Cycle
The Ogallala Aquifer
Dead Trees and Dirty Water In The Rockies
Los Angeles and Water Imports