Resiliency and Communities

About This Collection

Community resiliency is the capability of a community to use available resources to respond to, withstand and recover from adaverse situtions. As Dr. Judith Rodin points out, "...that we as a global community have been spending billions in a paradigm that is predicated on disaster recovery and repair rather than one that is based on readiness, preparedness and prevention."  Resiliency is a quality of sustainability.

Curated by mokiethecat

Rebuilding Resilient Communities by Secretary Julián Castro

U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Julián Castro talks about how HUD helps rebuild communities after natural disasters. After Hurricane Sandy, HUD shifted from just helping communities rebuild the way they were before, to showing communities how to rebuild to be resilient for the future. "Our hope is that through the investments that we're making now and the example that these communities that are participating in Rebuild By Design in the National Disaster Resilience Competition the example that they're setting will set best practices that are then adopted by states throughout our country," said Secretary Castro. Published on Mar 16, 2015

EarthSayer Julián Castro

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