The story is now legend; the "spear in the chest" epiphany Ray Anderson experienced when he first read Paul Hawken’s, "The Ecology of Commerce" seeking inspiration for a speech to an Interface task force on the company’s environmental vision.
His Georgia-based company, Interface, Inc., was recently ranked number one in The Sustainability Survey, a survey of global sustainability thought leaders conducted by GlobeScan. The once captain of industry has eschewed his luxury car for a Prius, built an off-the-grid home, authored a 1998 book describing his epiphany, "Mid-Course Correction," and has a new book, released on September 15, 2009, chronicling his journey, "Confessions of a Radical Industrialist". More details of Mr. Anderson's life are available on the InterfaceFlor, the company he founded in 1973 and now a billion-dollar corporation and “Most Admired Companies in America”
Mr. Andnerson passed away in 2011.
Curated by mokiethecat
The Business Case for Sustainability by Ray Anderson |
Mr. Anderson discussses the false choice between the economy and environment. Just not so. Published April 14, 2016. EarthSayer Ray Anderson |
Confessions of a Radical Industrialist
Ray Anderson at Google
The Business Logic of Sustainability by Ray Anderson
Ray Anderson's Spear in the Chest