Health and Wellness

About This Collection

The sustainability category of health and wellness is both wide and deep. In this special collection our intention is to highlight voices of sustainability that are often lost in the sea of advertising by pharmaceutical and insurance companies for products and services. The information found on this site is not intended as recommendations for cures or a change in medical protocols, but, rather, an emphasis on innovative and fresh perspectives and ideas affecting the health and wellness of our citizens. Critical thinking, vision, and values are emphasized here on EarthSayers.

Curated by mokiethecat

Dr. Judith Orloff | Radical Empathy in the Workplace | Talks at Google
October 29, 2021

Judith Orloff MD, a New York Times bestselling author of "The Empath’s Survival Guide" and the upcoming “Radical Empathy," discusses how to ignite the power of empathy and intuition at work, teaching viewers how sensitive people can thrive in an insensitive world.

There is a powerful connection between your emotions, intuition, and empathy. The magic comes when you learn how to tap into each of them to access your sensitivities without going on overload or becoming drained by challenging or stressful situations at work. Learning how to keep your center and avoid burnout in all situations is important to identify emotional triggers so you can master strategies to own the moment in your interactions.

Dr. Orloff is a psychiatrist, an empath and is on the UCLA Psychiatric Clinical Faculty. She synthesizes the pearls of traditional medicine with cutting edge knowledge of intuition, empathy, and energy awareness. She also specializes in treating empaths and highly sensitive people in her private practice and does online sessions with individuals and businesses internationally. Her work has been featured in O Magazine, Forbes, Business Insider, The London Sunday Times, CNN, The Today Show, PBS, BBC and NPR.

For more information on Dr. Orloff, please visit https://drjudithorloff.com/.

Moderated by Susie Ade.

EarthSayer Judith Orloff MD

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