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Skills for a safe and secure use of digital technologies and online information
With the rapid increase in cybersecurity threats, digital identity theft, the spread of misinformation, hate speech, cyberbullying and gender-based violence on the Internet, etc., Governments across the world are increasingly concerned about the safe and secure use of digital technologies and online information. In particular, the role of social media and the risks it carries for citizens and society have gained significant attention over the past years and prompted policy makers to implement policies and standards as well as share best practices. This session will explore how such risks could be addressed and mitigated through digital education and skills development programmes. It will feature various stakeholders and showcase best practice examples of how to educate citizens on the safe and secure use of online information. Moderator Ms Natia Kukuladze Commissioner Georgian National Communications Commission Georgia Panelists Mr David Wright CEO SWGfL and Director UK Safer Internet Centre United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Ms Rūta Jašinskienė Cybersecurity Capacity Building Expert NRD Cyber Security Lithuania (Republic of) Mr Guy Ngambeket Director and Board Member ISC2 Mr Datuk Zulkarnain Mohd Yasin Deputy Managing Director MCMC Malaysia Mr Najib Mokni Programme Specialist for Communication and Information Sector UNESCO office to the Gulf States and Yemen
Date 11/11/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Digital innovators and entrepreneurs followed by Digital Innovators and Entrepreneurs
Digital innovators and entrepreneurs Wednesday, 18 September 2024 : 14:00 – 15:15 Young entrepreneurs will present their groundbreaking products and services in the field of digital technologies and applications. This session highlights how innovative solutions are being designed to enhance digital skills in developing countries. The speakers will showcase projects that bridge the digital divide, empowering communities with the necessary tools to thrive in the digital age. Attendees will gain insights into the challenges and opportunities in deploying digital transformation initiatives in developing regions, and how these young leaders are making a tangible impact on communities. This session will address the following topics: The role of young innovators in shaping the digital future. Showcase of innovative products and services designed to enhance digital skills / Case studies from various developing countries demonstrating real-world impact. Overcoming challenges: strategies for scaling digital skill development projects in resource-limited settings. share insights on the obstacles faced in implementing digital education initiatives. Q&A session to discuss potential partnerships, funding opportunities, and future projects. Moderator Ms Amani Alkhiami Advisor Global Compact Network Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of) Panelists Ms Aashna Taneja Lead, Program & Evaluation Labhya India (Republic of) Enabling children in the Indian education system to become effective learners Mr Segun Ogunwale EdTech Practitioner, Co-Founder/CEO Bridgia Meet Kiki – a Digital Skills for Employability Awareness and Assessment Chatbot for Students Ms Rahaf Abu Mayyaleh Founder IBTKRGO, 4Health EDU Jordan IBTKRGO-Innovators are born here Ms Lella Violet Halloum Digital Changemaker & Global Student Outreach Lead IBM Z Digital Innovators and Entrepreneurs Skills for a safe and secure use of digital technologies and online information Wednesday, 18 September 2024 : 15:45 – 17:00 With the rapid increase in cybersecurity threats, digital identity theft, the spread of misinformation, hate speech, cyberbullying and gender-based violence on the Internet, etc., Governments across the world are increasingly concerned about the safe and secure use of digital technologies and online information. In particular, the role of social media and the risks it carries for citizens and society have gained significant attention over the past years and prompted policy makers to implement policies and standards as well as share best practices. This session will explore how such risks could be addressed and mitigated through digital education and skills development programmes. It will feature various stakeholders and showcase best practice examples of how to educate citizens on the safe and secure use of online information. Moderator Ms Natia Kukuladze Commissioner Georgian National Communications Commission Georgia Panelists Mr David Wright CEO SWGfL and Director UK Safer Internet Centre United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Ms Rūta Jašinskienė Cybersecurity Capacity Building Expert NRD Cyber Security Lithuania (Republic of) Mr Guy Ngambeket Director and Board Member ISC2 Mr Datuk Zulkarnain Mohd Yasin Deputy Managing Director MCMC Malaysia Mr Najib Mokni Programme Specialist for Communication and Information Sector UNESCO office to the Gulf States and Yemen Biography
Date 10/14/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
DIGITAL SKILLS FORUM INTERVIEWS: David Wright, CEO, SWGfL and Director, UK Safer Internet Centre, UK
Interview with David Wright, CEO, SWGfL and Director, UK Safer Internet Centre, UK at the ITU Digital Skills Forum. The ITU Digital Skills Forum is the core global event for the ITU membership and other stakeholders to discuss the most pressing needs that must be addressed to ensure that universal digital skills can be achieved, and the global digital skills gap be closed. Manama, Bahrain, 17 to 19 September 2024
Date 9/19/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
David Suzuki — Restoring Life's Fabric
Is the economy the most important thing? Canadian geneticist, author, and television producer David Suzuki says the economy is just a subset of ecology. Drawing on native wisdom and state-of-the-art science, he vividly demonstrates that what we do to what surrounds us, we do to ourselves, and suggests how to restore the fabric of the biosphere. Full video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_J0eContIk
Date 9/13/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Commodity or Human Right? How Community Wealth Building Can Address the Housing Crisis
Housing is a human right, or so says the International Declaration of Human Rights. But could we organize our economies with that in mind? Across the country, communities have land and properties and people who need homes. What’s stopping us bringing them together in a way that increases community wealth and wellbeing for everyone? That’s the question we explore in this episode of our special series on community wealth building, produced in collaboration with the radio and tv show, Laura Flanders & Friends. Featuring Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, Writer; Saoirse Gowan, Policy Associate with the Democracy Collaborative; Noni D. Session, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative. This episode is part 1 of a 4-part series exploring how communities are working to transform their local economies by harnessing their assets, anchoring capital and resources locally to directly invest in that place and its people – from land to money and finance. Explore the full series here. (https://bioneers.org/CWBSeries) Resources Democracy Collaborative (https://democracycollaborative.org/) East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative (https://ebprec.org/) Race for Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership (https://uncpress.org/book/9781469663883/race-for-profit/) Our Economic Future: Achieving a More Equitable Society by Radically Rethinking Our Guiding Economic Ideas (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-reader-our-economic-future/) | Bioneers Reader Guest Host Laura Flanders is the host and executive producer of Laura Flanders & Friends (https://lauraflanders.org/) , which airs on PBS stations nationwide. She is an Izzy-Award winning independent journalist, a New York Times bestselling author and the recipient of the Pat Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award from the Women’s Media Center. Credits This series is co-produced by Bioneers and Laura Flanders & Friends Laura Flanders & Friends Producers: Laura Flanders and Abigail Handel Production Assistance: Jeannie Hopper and David Neumann Bioneers Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel Senior Producer: Stephanie Welch Producer: Teo Grossman Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris
Date 8/29/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Solidarity Economics: Taking It to the Bank to Build Community Wealth
In this episode on community wealth building, we look at how communities are working to transform their local economies by harnessing the assets that exist in their place. It’s the Kryptonite to the corporate model that extracts wealth from communities. Instead, they’re anchoring capital and resources locally to directly invest in that place and its people - from land to money and finance. We hear from Nicole Ndumele from the Center for American Progress; Mike Strode, from The Kola Nut Collaborative; and Deyanira del Río of the New Economy Project. Resources Center for American Progress (https://www.americanprogress.org/) New Economy Project (https://www.neweconomynyc.org/) O (https://opencollective.com/foundation) pen Collective Foundation (https://kolanutcollab.org/) The Kola Nut Collaborative (https://kolanutcollab.org/) Our Economic Future: Achieving a More Equitable Society by Radically Rethinking Our Guiding Economic Ideas (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-reader-our-economic-future/) | Bioneers Reader This episode is part 1 of a 4-part series exploring how communities are working to transform their local economies by harnessing their assets, anchoring capital and resources locally to directly invest in that place and its people – from land to money and finance. Explore the full series here. (https://bioneers.org/CWBSeries) Guest Host Laura Flanders is the host and executive producer of Laura Flanders & Friends (https://lauraflanders.org/) , which airs on PBS stations nationwide. She is an Izzy-Award winning independent journalist, a New York Times bestselling author and the recipient of the Pat Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award from the Women’s Media Center. Credits This series is co-produced by Bioneers and Laura Flanders & Friends Laura Flanders & Friends Producers: Laura Flanders and Abigail Handel Production Assistance: Jeannie Hopper and David Neumann Bioneers Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel Senior Producer: Stephanie Welch Producer: Teo Grossman Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris
Date 8/29/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
From Wealth Supremacy to Community Wealth Building: Models for Democratizing the Economy
Today’s corporate, capitalist economy is radically unequal, ecologically unsustainable, and embedded in recurring boom-and-bust cycles of crisis. Not surprisingly, people are looking for alternatives. What if, instead of tweaking the system to reduce the damage, we reorganized entirely so that both local and national economies produced better outcomes for people, communities and the planet in the first place?  That’s the essence of community wealth building, the focus of this episode with guest host Laura Flanders, featuring Democracy Collaborative Distinguished Senior Fellow, Marjorie Kelly; Preston City Council Member, Matthew Brown in the UK; and community wealth building adviser to the Scottish Government, Neil McInroy. This episode is part 2 of a 4-part series exploring how communities are working to transform their local economies by harnessing their assets, anchoring capital and resources locally to directly invest in that place and its people – from land to money and finance. Explore the full series here. (https://bioneers.org/CWBSeries) Resources Democracy Collaborative (https://democracycollaborative.org/) Wealth Supremacy: How the Extractive Economy and The Biased Rules of Capitalism Drive Today's Crises (https://marjoriekelly.org/wealthsupremacy/) Action Guide for Advancing Community Wealth Building in the United States (https://democracycollaborative.org/publications/community-wealth-building-action-guide) | Democracy Collaborative Gar Alperovitz – Replacing Corporate Capitalism: Why We Need a Next System (https://bioneers.org/gar-alperovitz-replacing-corporate-capitalism-why-we-need-a-next-system/) | Bioneers 2018 Keynote Our Economic Future: Achieving a More Equitable Society by Radically Rethinking Our Guiding Economic Ideas (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-reader-our-economic-future/) | Bioneers Reader Guest Host Laura Flanders is the host and executive producer of Laura Flanders & Friends (https://lauraflanders.org/) , which airs on PBS stations nationwide. She is an Izzy-Award winning independent journalist, a New York Times bestselling author and the recipient of the Pat Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award from the Women’s Media Center. Credits This series is co-produced by Bioneers and Laura Flanders & Friends Laura Flanders & Friends Producers: Laura Flanders and Abigail Handel Production Assistance: Jeannie Hopper and David Neumann Bioneers Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel Senior Producer: Stephanie Welch Producer: Teo Grossman Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris
Date 8/29/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Community Wealth Building: Democratizing the Economy
In this special episode of the Bioneers, guest host Laura Flanders explores “Community Wealth Building,” a model that democratizes the economy, creates more cooperative businesses, better care for communities, and builds wealth for the many, not just the few. This episode features American political economist, historian, and author Gar Alperovitz of the Democracy Collaborative, along with India Pierce Lee about her work with the Collaborative in Cleveland, Ohio; and John McMicken, Executive Director of Cleveland’s Evergreen Cooperative Corporation. This episode is part 1 of a 4-part series exploring how communities are working to transform their local economies by harnessing their assets, anchoring capital and resources locally to directly invest in that place and its people – from land to money and finance. Explore the full series here. (https://bioneers.org/CWBSeries) Guest Host Laura Flanders is the host and executive producer of Laura Flanders & Friends (https://lauraflanders.org/) , which airs on PBS stations nationwide. She is an Izzy-Award winning independent journalist, a New York Times bestselling author and the recipient of the Pat Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award from the Women’s Media Center. Credits This series is co-produced by Bioneers and Laura Flanders & Friends Laura Flanders & Friends Producers: Laura Flanders and Abigail Handel Production Assistance: Jeannie Hopper and David Neumann Bioneers Executive Producer: Kenny Ausubel Senior Producer: Stephanie Welch Producer: Teo Grossman Host and Consulting Producer: Neil Harvey Program Engineer and Music Supervisor: Emily Harris Resources Democracy Collaborative (https://democracycollaborative.org/) Evergreen Cooperatives (https://www.evgoh.com/) How to Make a Democratic Economy (https://lauraflanders.simplecast.com/episodes/how-to-make-a-democratic-economy-democracy-collaborative) | Laura Flanders & Friends Action Guide for Advancing Community Wealth Building in the United States (https://democracycollaborative.org/publications/community-wealth-building-action-guide) | Democracy Collaborative Gar Alperovitz – Replacing Corporate Capitalism: Why We Need a Next System (https://bioneers.org/gar-alperovitz-replacing-corporate-capitalism-why-we-need-a-next-system/) | Bioneers 2018 Keynote Our Economic Future: Achieving a More Equitable Society by Radically Rethinking Our Guiding Economic Ideas (https://bioneers.org/bioneers-reader-our-economic-future/) | Bioneers Reader
Date 8/29/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Just Energy Transition - Climate Change And Energy - Valley FM Episode4 (Afrikaans)
In this series of programs, producer Catherine Wiese from Valley FM interviews industry leaders on the Just Energy Transition plan of South Africa. Valley FM services the community of Worcester in South Africa, many of whom are descendants of Khoi and San people. Interviewees: Brandon Andrews Leon Jacobs Nonhlemu Tuma David van Wyk "Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.
Date 8/8/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Just Energy Transition - Community Left In The Dark - Valley FM Episode 1 (Afrikaans)
In this series of programs, producer Catherine Wiese from Valley FM interviews industry leaders on the Just Energy Transition plan of South Africa. Valley FM services the community of Worcester in South Africa, many of whom are descendants of Khoi and San people. Interviewees: Brandon Andrews Leon Jacobs Nonhlemu Tuma David van Wyk "Burn your village to the ground", by The Halluci Nation, used with permission.
Date 8/8/2024 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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