People | Population

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Enough is Enough by Ashol Khosla
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We have to recognize we are at a juncture of history where we have not choice but to move fast to a very different way of life. The younger generation has got to stand up and be counted. Ashok Khosla is Chairman of Development Alternatives in New Delhi, India. Previously, Khosla established and headed the Office of Environmental Planning and Coordination in India's national government. Khosla subsequently was Director of INFOTERRA, the global information system of the UN Environment Programme, was a Special Advisor to the Brundtland Commission, and served as an advisor to the United Nations, World Bank and Global Environmental Facility.

EarthSayer Ashol Khosla
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
Buying-up Eden - Chile

Millionaire Doug Tompkins wanted to save a rainforest, so he went out and bought one in Southern Chile. Many Chileans though are not so keen on his philanthropy and regard him with suspicion.

The self-made millionaire of the Esprit clothing company,
Doug Tompkins, now languishes in an Eden of lush forest, deep rivers and abundant wildlife. His massive reserve, Pumalin Park, is an oasis of biodiverstiy. Conservative politician Jaime Orpis regards the swath of land controlled by Tompkins as a threat to national security. His reserve is a strategic 100km long corridor from the Argentine border to central Chile. For a nation still on the periphery of economic success having such a staunch anti-developmentalist tying up resources is also deeply irritating. Many would prefer him to take his high ideals back home. Tompkins though, came to Chile with a dream and despite the knocks he's staying until the government agrees to protect his park themselves.

Produced by ABC Australia
Distributed by Journeyman Pictures

EarthSayer Doug Tompkins
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Forests More Details
Environmental Challenges in China

China Program Manager at the Worldwatch Institute, Yingling Liu discusses Chinese energy and environmental issues.

EarthSayer Yingling Liu
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Andrew Revkin on The Interviewpoint pt 1
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With an impending population of nine billion and a growing consensus that climate change posses significant dangers, Andrew Revkin has tackled the question of global sustainability with his New York Times blog Dot Earth. (2007)

EarthSayer Andrew Revkin
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Climate Change More Details

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