Planet | Pollution, Toxins & Waste

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Ellen MacArthur on The Circular Economy
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Ellen takes us on a journey to investigates how insights from living systems might offer some of the answers to how we can re-design our future, in a world of increasing finite materials and energy.

Uploaded on Sep 2, 2010

Find out more about the circular economy here.
Follow the Ellen MacArthur Foundation on Twitter:

EarthSayer Ellen MacArthur
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Circular Economy More Details
What is the Circular Economy 100?
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The Circular Economy 100 is a global platform bringing together leading companies, emerging innovators and regions to accelerate the transition to a circular economy over a 1000-day (3 year) period.

To find out more about the Circular Economy 100 with information on how to apply contact the Ellen MaCarthur Foundation here.
Published on May 16, 2013

Date unknown Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Circular Economy More Details
Baltimore's Urban Streams
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Baltimore, Maryland is a major city situated on the Chesapeake Bay- a sprawling 64,000 square mile watershed. Currently, the Chesapeake is facing an environmental crisis due to pollutants. Scientist Claire Welty of the University of Maryland-Baltimore County is monitoring the travel times of pollutants in the urban streams in and around Baltimore. Through her research, she hopes to gain an understanding of the urban water cycle, and how municipalities can better prevent pollutants from contaminating the greater watershed. Published on Jul 12, 2013

EarthSayer Claire Welty
Date unknown Format Series
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Sustainability:Water by NBC Learn and NSF More Details
The Gene Revolution, The Future of Agriculture by Dr. Thierry Vrain
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Thierry Vrain retired 10 years ago after a long career as a soil biologist and ended head of a department of molecular biology running his own research program to engineer nematode resistance genes in crops. In his retirement career as a gardener he learned five or six years ago how the soil ecosystem really functions. He finds himself with a good knowledge of genetic engineering technologies surrounded by people in fear of being hurt by the food they eat. He found that he cannot ignore them anymore and has joined the campaign to educate consumers about the potential health problems reported in the recent scientific literature. Published on Jun 7, 2013 More information here.


EarthSayer Thierry Vrain
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Farming and Food Production More Details
Trashed Documentary
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Trashed - No Place For Waste (Website) looks at the risks to the food chain and the environment through pollution of our air, land and sea by waste. The film reveals surprising truths about very immediate and potent dangers to our health. It is a global conversation from Iceland to Indonesia between the film star Jeremy Irons and scientists, politicians and ordinary individuals whose health and livelihoods have been fundamentally affected by waste pollution.

EarthSayers Candida Brady; Jeremy Irons; Vangelis
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Tar Sands Oil Pipeline Ruptures in Arkansas by ExxonMobil
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Published on Apr 1, 2013

Date unknown Format News
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Alberta Canada Tar Sands More Details
Oil Over Water: Ecuador's Indigenous Peoples Threatened: by Barry Heidt
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This is a radio interview of Barry Heidt of Sustainability Action Media (SAM) by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayerWorld Water Days.tv about his recent trip to Ecuador's Achuar Territory to interview the indigenous leaders. The interview was conducted on World Water Day. Barry addresses the water pollution caused by the extraction of oil as it is important to bear witness to what remains ahead of the indigenous Oil Dripping Ecuador Logocommunities in Ecuador unless all of us who are sustainability advocates raise our hands and our voices against the continued pillage of Mother Earth and her peoples in the name of short term profits and our insatiable demand for oil regardless of the consequences.

EarthSayer Barry Heidt
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
The Future of Water by Mark Owen
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The Future of Water is essential for life forms and commerce.

In "The Future of Water" a TEDx talk presented at Oregon State University on April 17, 2012, Puralytics CEO Mark Owen presents the water crisis, defines that the conventional solution to this crisis - municipal water purification - does not and can not supply SAFE water to the world's people, and calls for the development of a new breed of intelligent, decentralized water systems using new technologies. Published on Jul 10, 2012

EarthSayer Mark Owen
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection One Water More Details
Life with Annie Leonard
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Annie Leonard talks about stuff relating to her life. 

This video is a book trailer for her book, The Story of Stuff: The Impact of Overconsumption on the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health-And How We Can Make It Better. 

Click on the image to order from Amazon or visit your local bookstore. Thank you.

EarthSayer Annie Leonard
Date unknown Format Book Promotion
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Annie Leonard More Details
The Story of Electronics (2010)
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The Story of Electronics, releasing Tuesday, NOVEMBER 9, employs the Story of Stuff style to explore the high-tech revolution's collateral damage—25 million tons of e-waste and counting, poisoned workers and a public left holding the bill. Host Annie Leonard takes viewers from the mines and factories where our gadgets begin to the horrific backyard recycling shops in China where many end up. The film concludes with a call for a green 'race to the top' where designers compete to make long-lasting, toxic-free products that are fully and easily recyclable.

Our production partner on the electronics film is the Electronics TakeBack Coalition, which promotes green design and responsible recycling in the electronics industry.

EarthSayer Annie Leonard
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Annie Leonard More Details

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