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Climate One TV: California Greenin' and Going Carbon Neutral
Over the course of its 150-year history, California has successfully protected its scenic wilderness areas, restricted coastal oil drilling, regulated automobile emissions, preserved coastal access and improved energy efficiency. Back in 1963 when the Clean Air Act was written, legislators acknowledged that California was ahead of the curve and wrote a waiver into the law allowing the Golden State to set its own stricter standards. In 2018, that exception is being used in fighting—and so far winning—the loosening of national CAFE standards Join us for a conversation about the past, present and future of California’s leadership in environmental policy. We will look at the lessons—as laid out by David Vogel—offered by California to the nation and the world. What has worked and where has the state fallen short? And later in the show. . . Just ten years ago, an entire state running on 100 percent renewable electricity was considered fanciful. But this dreamy vision became reality when, with the backing of big utilities, California committed to 100 percent use of zero-carbon electricity by 2045. The stakes were raised even higher with a statewide pledge to go carbon neutral by 2045. What will it take for California to achieve such a feat? What are the impacts on the fuel and transportation industries? Will Governor Gavin Newsom embrace climate initiatives started by former Governor Jerry Brown? A discussion on California’s surprise gambit to take the world’s fifth largest economy to net zero with John Hofmeister, former president of Shell Oil, Bob Holycross, Global Director of Sustainability & Vehicle Environmental Matters at Ford Motor Company, and Mary Nichols, Chair of the California Air Resources Board This program is generously underwritten by ClimateWorks Foundation. #letstalkclimate https://climateone.org/ Protect what has already been saved 5:29 Revoking National Monuments? 5:50 California Cars 8:38 Is California anti-business? 10:43 California Going Carbon Neutral 12:45 Oil companies and zero emissions 14:54 Electrification of everything 17:32 Lightening Round 20:20 Artificial Intelligence and Smart Cars 24:50
Date 4/5/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Atlanta Climate Reality Training: Pete Davidson
During our Climate Reality Leadership Corps training in Atlanta, former Vice President Al Gore and comedian Pete Davidson joined forces to communicate the climate crisis to a younger audience.
Date 4/5/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Do We Need to Re-frame Environmental Education Curriculum? | Mohammed Zawid Naseem | TEDxUWCChangshu
In the talk, Mohammed will be focusing on how necessary is it to re-frame the environmental education curriculum while also bringing up interesting topics such as lake studies, environmentally hazardous substances, and letting us humans reflect on who wants to be what in the future. He urges a change in the environmental education system, as we have no more spare time to consume the resources and produce carbon footprints as we did in the past. Life-long passionate teacher, educational administrator, molecular biology and conservation biology enthusiast. Growing up under the blue sky with six season in eastern India, Mohammed has found his love for nature since a very young age. Currently, Mohammed is living in UWC Changshu China and still continuing to enhance his knowledge on educational leadership, molecular and conservation biology. From talking about “galvanized slavery” to his recent research and study on the effects of education and the environment, Mohammed is keen on sharing to the younger generations on his thoughts on the effectiveness and importance of environmental education. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 3/21/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Water Sustainability Search | Gurmit Singh | TEDxUTAR
Water is vital for all forms of lives, but does not seem to be sustainably managed. Water should not be looked only from the perspectives of humans, but also the perspective of the ecosystem as a whole. As humans become increasingly vulnerable to climate change, we should realise the importance of water and our ecological responsibilities. Mr. Gurmit Singh is an environmentalist, social activist and engineer. A few other notable involvements are being the representative for the National Steering Committee on Climate Change (NSCCC), National Committee on Clean Development Mechanism (NC-CDM) and National Task Force on Global Marine Energy Efficiency Programme (GloMEEP). To really make a global impact, he was appointed the regional coordinator of the Climate Action Network Southeast Asia (CANSEA) for 3 terms. Over the years, Gurmit has been recognised for his work to preserve the environment. In 1993, he received the Langkawi Environmental Award; while in 2008 and 2009, he received the Sustainable Consumer Award from the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry, and the Outstanding Sustainability Contribution award from the Malaysian Institute of Surveyors respectively. More recently, he was conferred the UN Malaysia Award 2013 for the UN Millennium Development Goals 7 (MDG7), Green Leadership Award by MBPJ in 2013, and the Green Catalysts Award by the Malaysian Green Technology Corporation in 2015. Environmentalist, Social Activist and Engineer. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 3/9/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Tropical Forest Landscapes Conservation, Restoration & Sustainable Use
Online Certificate Program, led by Yale’s Environmental Leadership & Training Initiative Tropical forest landscape conservation and restoration offers an opportunity to address pressing environmental and social challenges. Effective conservation and restoration initiatives support multiple objectives, including ecosystem functioning, climate change mitigation and adaptation, food security, and economic growth. In this yearlong program, you will learn to design, implement and monitor effective conservation and restoration initiatives. Initiatives can be projects, policies, business plans, and programs at any scale. This program builds upon the expertise of Yale F&ES faculty and ELTI’s extensive training experience and network throughout the tropics. You will gain knowledge, practice skills and apply concepts to your own work and context. Certificate Program Website: https://tropicalrestorationcertificate.yale.edu/
Date 2/13/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Collaboration Between States for a Clean Energy Grid
In the absence of federal leadership, partnerships between states, regions, and utilities are forming to address the need for a clean energy grid and clean air, says Mary Nichols.
Date 2/7/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
India Lighting the Way: Taking Action to Solve the Climate Crisis
http://climaterealityproject.org - We know the climate crisis and our dependency on fossil fuel has created a very real threat to public health, but there are individuals, businesses, and entire communities around the globe who are taking action to solve this crisis and create a healthier future for all of us. One such solution is the international solar alliance, an inspiring partnership between India and France launched in 2015, which aims to empower 121 sunshine-rich countries to harness their most abundant resource. India's leadership in this arena is already improving lives and protecting the health of people across the globe.
Date 1/7/2019 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Mark Petruzzi: "The Meaning of Green: Ecolabels and Why We Celebrate Them" | Talks at Google
Mark Petruzzi, member of the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council, has spent more than 20 years examining the life cycle impacts of products, services, and ways to practically reduce them. In this talk, Mark will discuss the Global Ecolabeling Network, and its importance in providing credibility, transparency, and proven results protecting health and the environment.
Date 10/22/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
A DREAM - Get Ready by Nii Gaani Aki Inini, Leading Earth Man (Dave Courchene)
A DREAM - Get Ready by Dave Courchene I had this dream last night. I was speaking to this man and telling him what I was told by the Grandfather. I told him, “The Grandfather spoke directly to me and said: ‘You were told many years ago that there would be great changes coming to the Earth. As you were told, we prepared you with the spiritual teachings of your ancestors.’ ‘We were preparing you so you could live on the land. To live on the land you have to live from the spirit. Well that time is very close and there is no time to waste. Get the things you will need to survive on the land. Get axes, and the other things and tools you know you will need to live the most simple life, away from the technology that is destroying the water and the land.” I see many changes happening already, and I wondered how severe these changes are going to be in relation to the current lifestyle we are living. I realize that the current path we are on is not one that treats all life in sacredness. The Earth continues to feel the brunt of our selfishness and greed. When we reflect on the current world conditions, there is no doubt of a need for a major change – the need to change our current attitudes, to values that support life. A change is needed to be more kind, more compassionate, more giving and sharing. We were told of a time that is coming where the Earth would give birth to a New Life. The Earth would go through pains of labour while the vision of the New Life, brought by the Great Spirit, was growing in her womb. We were told long before the arrival of the newcomers in our homeland that there would be people coming from the many different lands of the Earth. They were brought here by the Great Spirit to come and learn, and be reminded of their true spiritual identity and purpose as human beings, which is to love and take care of each other and the Earth. All human beings were given original instructions, complete with values, duties and responsibilities that we are supposed to fulfill. There are those amongst our Nations as the Original People who have stayed faithful and true to our original instructions. It would be these few who would be propelled into the forefront of a movement, offering a leadership of sharing that knowledge. We are living in a time that we need a vision of hope based on values and teachings that can set the foundation for a change of heart. It is the spirit of these seven animals that we call upon to teach and remind us of the Seven Sacred Laws, beginning with the law of Respect – to be a giving and sharing people, following the example of the buffalo who gave its whole being for the life of the people. Love – is about loving the Great Spirit, loving the land, loving ourselves in the way we were created, and loving each other in the highest way, as the eagle brings vision that is always based on love. The essence of love is understanding, with empathy and compassion. Through the unconditional love of the Great Spirit, we have all been given the ability to have vision, and to make our visions come true. Courage – is living from the heart, and having the courage to be ourselves. It takes courage to do the right thing for the sake of the children, the way a mother bear would die before seeing harm come to her cub. Honesty – is being honest with ourselves, speaking and living our truth from the heart. Honesty is refusing to lie or engage in gossip about others. Honesty is being true to our words. Honesty is never judging or condemning others, but to speak well of others, honouring their uniqueness within the human family. Wisdom – is about using the gift the Great Spirit gave each of us to serve, and to build a strong family, community and Nation. Our gifts do not belong to us as individuals, but belong to all the people, to serve the good of the Nation. If the beaver did not use his gift to build, his teeth would grow long and he would die. Similarly if we do not use our gifts in a good way for the benefit of the Earth and the brothers and sisters of our nations, we too would die spiritually. Humility – is about showing gratitude for life received, never overstepping the natural laws of Mother Earth. Humility is to know that not one of us is ever above or below our fellow human beings. We are all equal in the eyes of the Great Spirit. There is so much we can learn from the wolf. The teaching of humility is especially important for the leaders of our Nations. Our motherland is referred to as Turtle Island. To know and live truth is to walk and live all the Seven Sacred Laws. Living truth means living in the spirit of Respect, Love, Courage, Honesty, Wisdom, Humility and Truth. It is when we live truth that we will know peace and find the truth of our humanity. When one is able to walk the spirit of these Seven Sacred Laws is when one becomes truly free, it is then that one receives the full support of the universe, and the forces of the Earth itself.
Date 9/25/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
Raising Conscious Boys in an Unconscious World | Bobbi Wegner | TEDxWolfeboro
Dr. Bobbi Wegner discusses the need for important conversations with our children, particularly as they relate to implicit gender bias. Gender roles are primarily socially constructed, and we can help shape future thoughts and behavior of a new generation by having an ongoing dialog. Dr. Wegner discusses inappropriate sexual behavior and violence towards women; she advocates changing the cultural dialog and socially constructed gender roles by having difficult conversations with our kids now. It's not just about parenting, it's about leadership argues Dr. Wegner. Dr. Wegner is a clinical psychologist and behavioral medicine specialist. She specializes in stress management, and the importance of maintaining ‘self’ as a parent. She sees individuals and families at Boston Behavioral Medicine, and teaches at Harvard Graduate School of Education in Child Advocacy, Group Counseling, and Cross-Cultural Counseling. Dr. Wegner is also a Clinical Supervisor and Teacher in Boston Behavioral Medicine’s Psychology Training Program.She regularly writes on these issues, blogging for Psychology Today (Perfectly Imperfect Parenting: Psychologically Sensitive Approaches to Raising Independent and Emotionally Durable Kids), and for Thrive Global. Dr. Wegner is an ‘Expert’ on NBC News’ Parenting website, This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Date 8/21/2018 Format Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details

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