Climate Justice

About This Collection

Reframing climate change to climate justice affords us the opportunity to view climate change science through the lens of environmental, social and economic justice and understand that global warming is an ethical and moral issue.  A major proposition of climate justice is that those who are least responsible for climate change suffer its gravest consequences.

The purpose of this collection is to draw your attention to the many voices of climate justice to educate and inspire you.  Of particular note, "Faith communities carrying this message (of climate justice) are potentially powerful voices on climate change – voices that have been largely silent on the issue until recently."   

EarthSayers.tv has also started a Web collection, here as a blog, on Faith and Climate Justice.  

Curated by earthsayer

Young Peoples Burden with Kivlehan and Hansen

Published on Oct 4, 2016

"... the assumption that young people will somehow figure out a way to undo the deeds of their forebears, has crept into and spread like a cancer through UN climate scenarios."

A conversation between Climate Scientist Dr. James Hansen and his granddaughter Sophie Kivlehan. 

YOUNG PEOPLE’S BURDEN:Requirement of Negative CO2 Emissions by James Hansen et. al. Download PDF here

EarthSayers Dr. James Hansen; Sophie Kivlehan

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