The Ellen MacArthur Foundation is an independent charity with the aim of inspiring a generation to re-think, re-design & build a positive future through the vision of a circular economy. Ellen MacArthur fou
nded the Foundation to better understand how on land too we rely on finite resources in the form of materials, energy and water after her experiences as a world class sailor having sailed over 26,000 miles to become the fastest person to circumnavigate the globe single-handed.
The Circular Economy 100 is a global platform bringing together leading companies, emerging innovators and regions to accelerate the transition to a circular economy over a 1000-day (3 year) period. The Annual Summit was held Wednesday 19 June 2013.
Curated by earthsayer
Africa: Eliminating Food Waste through a Circular Economy - B Corp Global Climate Summit |
This is a recorded session from the B Corp Global Climate Summit, Day 2 - Africa Regional Session. The circular economy is an economic model focused on eliminating waste and inefficiency and promoting greater resource productivity. The carbon footprint of wasted food is approximately 3.3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) released into the atmosphere on an annual basis. The shift to a circular economy is not only about managing wasteâit presents a new economic paradigm for rethinking how we design, use, and reuse our resources (both products and services), with an estimated economic output potential of USD $4.5 trillion per year by 2030. The COVID-19 pandemic showed in many cases all the drawbacks of the present economic model- the linear economy (âtake-make-disposeâ). Facilitated by Shared Value Foundation, join us at the B Corp Climate Summit on [Date + Time] to explore how long-term thinking that applies a circular economy lens could help establish a more resilient and sustainable business. The session will focus on: - What is the essence of applying circular economy principles in managing food waste? - How are businesses involved in food adopting circularity principles and business models to become more resilient over the long term? - Hear from two companies the story of how they introduced circular principles in their business activities: the vision, their approach and the challenges they encountered. - Potential of the circular economy strategy for a green recovery post pandemic? Speakers: Grace Wachori, Martha Nalweyiso, Matt Homewood, Daniel Chege, Rita Atuti EarthSayers Rita Atuti; Martha Nalweyiso; Grace Wachori |