Design and Architecture

About This Collection

Incorporates all aspects of Design, especially Architecture, organized under the element of social sustainability. 

Curated by mokiethecat

Sustainable Development and Preservation Clem Ogilby
EarthSayer | June 30, 2010 | 4:56

Clem Ogilby a career preservationist with extensive experience in repurposing residential and commercial structures for clients embracing green building principles and practices yet seeking a traditional aesthetic or historic sense of place talks about his passion for preserving buildings and how demolition is often unnecessary and not a sustainability principle or practice. One of his current projects is Saving the Morris Marks House, built in 1880 and facing demolition in 2011 if not moved and restored this year. This video was produced by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv, the voices of sustainability and was filmed by Barry Heidt and edited by Rob Russo.

Definition of sustainability and sustainable development must include  preservation of existing and useful buildings, historic in particular, but not solely.

EarthSayer Clem Ogilby

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