Sustainability Action Media (SAM)

About This Collection




SAM represents a coalition of Barry Heidt and Tom Hopkins with publishing supported by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.  We formed this team to spread the voices of sustainability across the Web through EarthSayers.org, video portals, Youtube, and other social media sites.

By creating online video content, publishing it by seeding the Web with thought leaders, and using the EarthSayers Network in managing the content to include curation services, SAM is a complete, one-of-a-kind content marketing team in the service of sustainability.

Our work extends the reach of sustainability related gatherings and events while reducing the carbon footprint of face-to-face gatherings. We record, document and stream panels, speeches, and teaching circles at events and use the occasion to interview elders, teachers, experts, and citizens.

We may be contacted at 415-377-1835.

Curated by mokiethecat

Live Streaming Excerpts, Wisdom from the Origins Conference
Produced with Sustainability Action Media (SAM) by Ruth Ann Barrett of EarthSayers.tv this is a sample from seventeen hours of live streaming of the conference, Origins from the Wisdom conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 2012. This video contains three excerpts from the live stream. Excerpt features Szuson Wong, Gregg Braden and Marianne Williamson.

Extending the reach of a a conference without significantly increasing the carbon footprint is why live video streaming is recommeded. A hybrid meeting is a fiscally and environmentally responsible element of a sustainability strategy.