One Water

About This Collection

One Water

The international observance of World Water Day is an initiative that grew out of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de JaWorld Water Dayneiro. It inspired the creation of our EarthSayers special collection around the idea of "One Water." It addresses a wide range of issues including, but not limited to water supply, security, rights, and pollution.

The organization, One Water, puts the challenge succinctly: "Providing clean and safe water to everybody around the world is among the greatest challenges facing us today." Two other organizations asking for support are charity:water and water.org.




Curated by mokiethecat

Ireland, The State of Water, by Eco Eye

Published on Mar 5, 2014

Hosted by Duncan Steward, this video explores whats wrong with the water supply in Ireland?  In parts of Roscommon, residents live under ongoing 'boil' notices to protect themselves from water contaminants. In Dublin last October, the capital faced into water shortages as the biggest web summit in the world hit town.

Meanwhile in Kilmeena national school in Mayo, students under the guidance of their principal Mickey Carney show understanding beyond their years when it comes to their water supply.
Its now the children who are giving the lessons and leading the way in protecting the most precious of all our natural resources.

Eco Eye series 12, Episode 9 "The state of water."

EarthSayer Duncan Stewart

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