Portland Sustainability Leaders

About This Collection

Business and civic leaders, experts, teachers, students, and citizens from all walks of life contributing to the leadership of Portland, Oregon as the most sustainability conscious city in the United States.

Curated by mokiethecat

Deep Green, the Movie

Trailer for Portland's Matt Briggs' feature length documentary Deep Green highlighting the best ideas and solutions that lower carbon energy use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions all over the world.  Individual, entrepreneurial, and academic environmental solution pioneers are featured to include:  Michael Pollan, David Suzuk, Lester Brown, Amory Lovins, Barbara Finamore, Ed Kjaer,  Dr Andy Frank, Shi Zheng Rong, Huang Ming, Marc Porat, Vincent Fertin and many more local Portland green builders. Find more videos and content at www.deepgreenfilms.com  

EarthSayers Matt Briggs; Barbara Finamore; Michael Pollan

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