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Regenerating nature in a circular economy

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The extractive and wasteful economic practices of today are at the heart of the destruction of biodiversity. Preserving and enhancing valuable natural resources and the ecosystems that are essential to a thriving and prosperous existence requires a rethink of how our economy operates. In this episode, we begin to explore how a circular economy helps to tackle the root causes of this global challenge creating new sources of value and regenerating nature.

Speakers featured:

Patrick Holden- Founding Director and Chief Executive of the Sustainable Food Trust
Luc Bas - European Regional Director for the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Felipe Villela- Founder and COO of reNature
Hanneke Faber- President Global Foods & Refreshment & Member of the Unilever Executive team

EarthSayers Luc Bas; Hanneke Faber; Patrick Holden
Date 6/29/2021 Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection The Circular Economy More Details
We Are New_ Public: The Light

If you are building or dreaming up a version of a diverse, community-serving, anti-oppressive public-spirited tech future, we’re hoping New_ Public will be a home for you. 

Sign up to our dispatch with the latest on all things public-spirited tech and the community dreaming it up.  newpublic.substack.com 

New_ Public is a place for thinkers, builders, designers and technologists like you to meet, share inspiration, and make better digital public spaces. It’s a newsletter, magazine, and community wrapped together, supported by the team at Civic Signals. #WeAreNew_Public

Post Production:  Lucky Post

Creative Director, Writer, Director, Editor: Sai Selvarajan

Animation: Seth Olson, Jake Odgers

Audio: Scottie Richardson

Executive Producer: Jessica Berry

Talent: Mario Mims

EarthSayers Jessica Berry; Sai Selvarajan
Date unknown Format Documentary
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
How to build (and rebuild) trust with Frances Frei

Trust is the foundation for everything we do. But what do we do when it's broken? In an eye-opening talk, Harvard Business School professor Frances Frei gives a crash course in trust: how to build it, maintain it and rebuild it -- something she worked on during a recent stint at Uber. "If we can learn to trust one another more, we can have unprecedented human progress," Frei says.

EarthSayer Frances Frei
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords Sustainability More Details
A Message from the Future II: The Years of Repair

Do we have a right to be hopeful? With political and ecological fires raging all around, is it irresponsible to imagine a future world radically better than our own? A world without prisons? Of beautiful, green public housing? Of buried border walls? Of healed ecosystems? A world where governments fear the people instead of the other way around? 

“A Message From the Future II: The Years of Repair” is an animated short film that dares to dream of a future in which 2020 is a historic turning point, where the lessons of the Covid-19 pandemic and global uprisings against racism drive us to build back a better society in which no one is sacrificed and every one is essential.

The film is a sequel to the 2019 Emmy-nominated short film “A Message From the Future” with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and features the art of Molly Crabapple, with the political storytelling of Naomi Klein, Avi Lewis, and Opal Tometi. The cast of narrators from around the world includes Tometi, Emma Thompson, Gael García Bernal, and the Nigerian poet and activist Nnimmo Bassey.

Watch Part 1 "A Message from the Future" with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez here.

EarthSayers Molly Crabapple; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Date unknown Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Yes! Magazine More Details
A Message From the Future With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

What if we actually pulled off a Green New Deal? What would the future look like? The Intercept presents a film narrated by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and illustrated by Molly Crabapple.

Set a couple of decades from now, the film is a flat-out rejection of the idea that a dystopian future is a foregone conclusion. Instead, it offers a thought experiment: What if we decided not to drive off the climate cliff? What if we chose to radically change course and save both our habitat and ourselves?

We realized that the biggest obstacle to the kind of transformative change the Green New Deal envisions is overcoming the skepticism that humanity could ever pull off something at this scale and speed. That’s the message we’ve been hearing from the “serious” center for four months straight: that it’s too big, too ambitious, that our Twitter-addled brains are incapable of it, and that we are destined to just watch walruses fall to their deaths on Netflix until it’s too late.

This film flips the script. It’s about how, in the nick of time, a critical mass of humanity in the largest economy on earth came to believe that we were actually worth saving. Because, as Ocasio-Cortez says in the film, our future has not been written yet, and “we can be whatever we have the courage to see.”

Subscribe to our channel here. : 

Read the article from Naomi Klein here

Future II is here.

EarthSayers Molly Crabapple; Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Date unknown Format Cartoon and Animation
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Yes! Magazine More Details
Changing the Rules - Jonathon Porritt

Changing the Rules - Jojo Mehta in conversation with Jonathon Porritt

Jojo Mehta, co-founder of the Stop Ecocide campaign, in conversation with renowned veteran environmentalist and author Jonathon Porritt (whose new book Hope in Hell comes out this month) on World Environment Day 2020. Jonathon brings the wisdom and understanding of decades addressing the environmental and climate crisis at NGO and government level, while Jojo has applied her activism, communication and leadership experience to growing the legacy of her long-term working partner and friend, the visionary lawyer the late Polly Higgins. From criminal law to state policy to everyday action, this is a frank yet fundamentally optimistic dialogue on the rules we must change to address - and transform - the world we face. Find out more about Stop Ecocide here. 

EarthSayers Jojo Mehta; Jonathon Porritt
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Wisdom Keepers More Details
Mapping Systems: A Key Step Towards Driving Systems Change | 2013 Skoll World Forum

System transformation begins with the critical task of mapping key leverage points for change. Discover how two organisations have approached this complex task in an effort to improve environmental and health care outcomes -- and their bottom lines. Explore how Nike is differentiating itself from its competitors by moving steadily toward the goal of eliminating hazardous chemical discharge from its supply chain by 2020. And learn how Health Care Without Harm has developed tools and strategies to transform the health care industry by mapping and building a collaborative network of 450 organisations in 52 countries.

Speaker SARAH SEVERN Senior Director, Stakeholder Mobilization Nike, Inc. Speaker MARSHALL CLEMENS Principal Idiagram Moderator JOHN ELKINGTON Founder and Executive Chairman Volans Ventures Ltd Author and Speaker GARY COHEN Co-Founder and President Health Care Without Harm.

The Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship accelerates the impact of the world's leading social entrepreneurs by uniting them with essential partners in a collaborative pursuit of learning, leverage, and large scale social change.

Posted June 14th, 2014

EarthSayers Gary Cohen; John Elkington; Sarah Severn
Date unknown Format Panel
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection What is Sustainability? More Details
Future of Sustainability 2020 - UK/Europe - Forum for the Future (webinar)

Future of Sustainability 2020: How can we harness the radical disruption presented by the COVID-19 crisis to drive a truly sustainable, just and resilient future?

This webinar took place on 8 July 2020.

The COVID-19 crisis is having a devastating impact – both in terms of lives lost and economic disruption. At Forum for the Future, we believe that it would be tragic to go back to yesterday’s “business-as-usual”; moments of radical disruption like this provide unprecedented opportunities to reinvent the future. We are therefore calling for business, governments, civil society, and communities to seize this moment in helping to deliver a more just, sustainable, and resilient world.

Panelists: Host - Dr Sally Uren, Chief Executive Officer, Forum for the Future

Co-host - Hannah Pathak, Director of UK and Europe, Forum for the Future

Leslie Johnston, Chief Executive Officer, Laudes Foundation

Nick Cliffe, Deputy Challenge Director, Innovate UK

Keith Writer, Supply Director, Bettys and Taylors of Harrogate

Rebecca Marmot, Chief Sustainability Officer, Unilever

EarthSayers Leslie Johnston; Rebecca Marmot
Date unknown Format Webinar (Zoom+)
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Transforming Our Economy More Details
The world is poorly designed. But copying nature helps

The world is poorly designed. But copying nature helps. Biomimicry design, explained with 99% Invisible. Check them out here.  99% Invisible is an independently produced radio show created by Roman Mars that focuses on design and architecture. It began as a collaborative project between San Francisco public radio station KALW and the American Institute of Architects in San Francisco.


Download an infographic on Biomimicry here.

EarthSayer Roman Mars
Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biomimicry More Details
Biomimicry is more than just good design

In this Our Changing Climate environmental video essay, I look at biomimicry. Specifically how biomimicry can not only lead to nature-inspired design for architecture and materials, but also for better relationships, activism, and communities. I draw upon adrienne maree brown's emergent strategy in order to show that nature and the environment can show us how to best navigate a complicated social world. Help me make more videos like this via PatreonTwitter, Facebook,  Instagram, Email: occ.climate@gmail.com

FYI/Download an infographic on Biomimicry here.

Date unknown Format Blog
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Biomimicry More Details

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