Prosperity | Energy
Alternative fuels

Displaying 5 videos of 5 matching videos

The Future for Electric Cars by Senator Kevin de León

The President pro Tempore of the California State Senate, Kevin de León, talks about the future democratization of the electric vehicle infrastructure. "What we're doing is we're transforming our whole electric infrastructure system," de León said. "For the first time in the history of the United States of America, energy companies...will be competing for the same market share with the fossil fuel industry."

EarthSayer Kevin de León
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Innovation and Sustainability More Details
Will Falling Oil Prices Kill Wind and Solar Power? with Dr. Steven Chu

Will Falling Oil Prices Kill Wind and Solar Power? Dr. Steven Chu who served as the U.S. Secretary of Energy from January 21, 2009, to April 22, 2013.

During your time at the Department of Energy the deployment of renewable energy in the U.S. doubled. Is the fall in fossil-fuel prices killing the business case for renewables?

The decline in fossil-fuel prices does have some effect, but remember that 78 percent of the economies of the U.S. have state-mandated renewable portfolio standards. They require that a specified fraction of electricity must come from renewable energy. For example, in California the goal is 33 percent renewable energy by 2020.

Right now renewable electricity is roughly 13 percent of total electricity generated in the U.S. Half is hydropower and the other half is mostly wind energy, with some solar, biomass and geothermal. Renewable energy costs have come down significantly. Even if natural gas, which is the cheapest form of electricity generation today, stays at $4 per million Btus [British thermal units], wind without subsidy is almost as inexpensive.

Electrical generation in the sunnier parts of the U.S. is also approaching equality with a new natural gas power plant. The cost of wind and solar is anticipated to decline for at least a decade or two. Perhaps in a decade, renewables will be competitive with any new form of energy in many parts of the U.S. Published on Mar 8, 2015
EarthSayer Dr. Steven Chu
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Renewable Energy & The Smart Grid More Details
Sustainability for All: by Jonathon Porritt at TEDxExeter

Sustainability for All: by Jonathon Porritt at TEDxExeter (June 7, 2013)

Jonathon Porritt, is an eminent writer, broadcaster and commentator on sustainable development.  He is Co-Founder of Forum for the Future, the UK's leading sustainable development charity.
He is Co-Director of The Prince of Wales's Business and Sustainability Programme, was formerly Director of Friends of the Earth (1984-90) and co-chair of the Green Party (1980-83). In 2009 he stood down as Chair of the UK Sustainable Development Commission after nine years providing high-level advice to Government Ministers.

EarthSayer Jonathon Porritt
Date unknown Format Speech
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Innovation and Sustainability More Details
Reinvent Fire: Change Energy Use Forever
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Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era offers market-based, actionable solutions integrating transportation, buildings, industry, and electricity. Built on Rocky Mountain Institute's 30 years of research and collaboration a roadmap that offers an alternative to business-as-usual with the added value of avoiding fossil fuels' huge but uncounted external costs.

Date unknown Format Instructional
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection Innovation and Sustainability More Details
Hydraulic Fracturing, Natural Gas, by Professor Burleson
Static PreviewJune 21 (Bloomberg) -- Elizabeth Burleson, law professor at Pace University, talked with Bloomberg Law's Spencer Mazyck on June 20 about the risks of hydraulic fracturing.
EarthSayer Elizabeth Burleson
Date unknown Format Interview
Length unknown Keywords SustainabilityMember of Special Collection High Risk Energy Sources More Details

Displaying 5 videos of 5 matching videos


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